2.5. Retrieval of Statements


ID Requirement
XAPI-00108 If not empty, the "more" property's IRL refers to a specific container object corresponding to the next page of results from the original GET request. To test make a GET request which will return a known number of statements and confirm the LRS returns a “more” property which has an IRL with a container of the remaining statements and that the IRL is valid.
XAPI-00109 The "more" property is absent or an empty string (no whitespace) if the entire results of the original GET request have been returned. To test make a GET request which will return a known number of statements and check to make sure the LRS either returns an empty string or the more property is absent.
XAPI-00110 A "statements" property is an Array of Statements. Make a GET request which will return at least one statement and confirm the “statements” property is a valid Array of Statements.
XAPI-00111 A "more" property's referenced container object follows the same rules as the original GET request, originating with a single "statements" property and a single "more" property.
XAPI-00112 The LRS will NOT reject a GET request which returns an empty "statements" property. Send a GET request which will not return any results and check that a 200 Ok and an empty StatementResult Object is returned.
XAPI-00113 An LRS's Statement API, upon processing a successful GET request, will return a single "statements" property and a single "more" property. A single "more" property must be present if there are additional results available.
XAPI-00114 A "statements" property result which is paginated will create a container for each additional page.

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    No results matching ""