2.3. Statement Lifecycle

With no applicable conformance requirements in this section of the xAPI Specification, this section is intentionally blank.

2.3.1. Statement Immutability

With no applicable conformance requirements in this section of the xAPI Specification, this section is intentionally blank.

2.3.2. Voiding


  1. A Voided Statement is defined as a Statement that is not a Voiding Statement and is the Target of a Voiding Statement within the LRS
  2. A Voiding Statement is defined as a Statement whose "verb" property's "id" property's IRI ending with "voided"
  3. A Voiding Statement's Target is defined as the Statement corresponding to the "object" properties "id" property's UUID


ID Requirement
XAPI-00016 A Voiding Statement cannot Target another Voiding Statement. LRS behavior this new VOIDING statement MAY be rejected. If the LRS accepts that statement, the violating VOIDING statement SHOULD be ignored.
XAPI-00017 An LRS rejects a Voiding Statement with 400 Bad Request if the "objectType" field does not have a value of "StatementRef"
XAPI-00018 An LRS MUST consider a Statement it contains voided if the Statement is not itself a voiding Statement and the LRS also contains a voiding Statement referring to the first Statement. Test: Void a statement and then send a GET for that statement which uses “statementId” instead of “voidedStatementId.” The statement should then not be returned in the GET request, which should return a 404.
XAPI-00019 A Voiding Statement is defined as a Statement whose "verb" property's "id" property's IRI ending with "voided"
XAPI-00020 A Voiding Statement's "objectType" field has a value of "StatementRef"

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