Recommended Properties
Property Name | Description | rdf:type | rdfs:subPropertyOf | rdfs:domain | rdfs:range |
xapi:closelyRelatedNaturalLanguageTerm | A property used to connect the xAPI term to a specific sense, or meaning, in natural language that is very closely related. The sense will be identified with Wordnet, a carefully constructed ontology that aids in word sense disambiguation, which has been used with many different languages. | owl:ObjectProperty | skos:relatedMatch | skos:Concept | wordnet:Synset |
skos:definition | A property borrowed from SKOS that is used to provide a plain text definition or description for a resource. | owl:AnnotationProperty | skos:note | ||
skos:inScheme | A property borrowed from SKOS that relates a concept (for example a verb) to a concept scheme in which it is included. Verbs and Activity Types should be in a concept scheme (vocabulary) and are connected using this property. | owl:ObjectProperty | skos:ConceptScheme | ||
skos:prefLabel | A property borrowed from SKOS that is used to provide the preferred lexical label for a resource, in a given language. | owl:AnnotationProperty | rdfs:label | ||
xapi:referencedBy | A property used to connects an xapi:Verb not directly maintained by the controlled vocabulary author to a vocabulary that is reusing and referencing the term. | owl:ObjectProperty | skos:inScheme | skos:ConceptScheme | |
skos:scopeNote | A note that helps to clarify the meaning and/or the use of a concept. | owl:AnnotationProperty | skos:note | ||
xapi:thirdPartyLabel | A property used by people who did not create the original verb, but would like to offer an alternative label for it. | owl:AnnotationProperty | skos:altLabel | Inherited from skos:altLabel |
Figure 7. Table of recommended properties for xAPI Vocabulary datasets.