Additional Tips for JSON-LD Documents

By using the following set of guidelines, published vocabulary documents will be more usable by both semantic web and simpler JSON-using clients. In these rules, a “complete IRI” is an in-document IRI that doesn’t use any of the shorthand prefix options JSON-LD makes possible.

  1. The @id of each individual term and vocabulary in the document must be a complete IRI. Refer to the example above. Notice that both the vocabulary IRI ( and “abandoned” verb IRI ( use a complete IRI for the identifier.
  2. Don’t use @graph for grouping Verbs or Activity Types into a vocabulary dataset. Instead use the value the type of vocabulary dataset being represented (e.g., “verbs” or “activity-types”). See the previous JSON-LD code sample above in this document for an example.
  3. The value of “verbs” in a vocabulary is an array of verbs, with complete IRIs for @id. Note: @type is needed here, as it is not inferred.
  4. For all of skos:broader, skos:narrower, skos:related, skos:closeMatch, skos:exactMatch, skos:broadMatch, skos:narrowMatch, and skos:relatedMatch, the value must be an array of complete IRIs.
  5. For all of skos:definition, skos:prefLabel, skos:altLabel, xapi:thirdPartyLabel, foaf:name, the value must be a language map (like in xAPI!). Note that name is not for naming things generally — it’s for people, organizations, groups, etc. The usual construct for naming xAPI’s concepts is prefLabel.
  6. xapi:closelyRelatedNaturalLanguageTerm’s value must be a complete IRI (not in an array).
  7. prov:wasGeneratedBy should be used on the root vocabulary, or more rarely on a vocabulary that is a specialization of the root vocabulary, with a value that is an object (and has a name), indicating the organization or other group involved in its creation.
  8. If you’re serving up something that isn’t a vocabulary, but is part of one, use vocabulary with a value that is the overall vocabulary IRI.

Again, these guidelines are for generating JSON-LD that can be used by both simple JSON clients and more complex clients. Not all JSON-LD generated for xAPI-related applications will need to follow these rules to be useful. Clients based on the above rules should pivot on the presence of @type matching “Verb” or “Activity Type”, and servers should avoid those values for the @type element (just use xapi:Verb, xapi:ActivityType, skos:ConceptScheme, etc.) when the JSON-LD they’re producing won’t be readily consumable per the above rules.

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